The current employee of Crystal Optoelectronics is a direct supplier investor
The current employee of Crystal Optoelectronics holds a concurrent position at the supplier
The main relatives of the current employees of Crystal Optoelectronics are investors
Relatives of current employees of Crystal Optoelectronics are employed by the supplier
Former employees of Crystal Optoelectronics who have become direct or indirect investors of the supplier, or hold important positions in the supplier, or whose relatives hold positions in the supplier
Orders placed by Crystal Optoelectronics cannot be subcontracted or subcontracted without the permission of Crystal Optoelectronics. Production without an order will not be recognized
Crystal Optoelectronics will not designate any secondary suppliers in any form
The supplier shall not bribe crystal optoelectronic personnel in any form
Suppliers are not allowed to promote materials that do not comply with industry development
Suppliers need to eliminate commercial fraud
1. The registration information template can be found below for download;
2. Attachment 1, Attachment 2, Attachment 3, Attachment 4, Attachment 5, Attachment 6, Attachment 7 (all attachments below must be stamped with your company's official seal and uploaded in PDF format);
3. The basic information of the company needs to be submitted in a PDF version that is consistent with the information in the business registration documents;
4. Please make sure to provide the correct company landline, contact person's phone number, and company domain email address;
5. After preparing the above materials, enter "Preparation for Declaration" for declaration;
6. After completing the registration, the staff will contact you within 15 working days;
7. If you have any other questions, you can email or calling 0576-88677633 for consultation.
Suppliers or potential suppliers are not required to provide cash, securities, non corporate gifts, vacation or tourism entertainment, or any other personal benefits to all employees or their relatives and friends of Zhejiang Crystal Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. and its affiliated enterprises.
Suppliers or potential suppliers are not allowed to engage in any non official lending, leasing, investment, or any non official transaction activities with all employees or their relatives and friends.
Beware of a small number of illegal elements impersonating company executives or their relatives to help become crystal optoelectronic suppliers as bait and demand benefits from potential suppliers.
Beware of anyone using information asymmetry to solicit bribes, commissions, and kickbacks.